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Two- Day Connecticut Children’s Toy Drive


To streamline the seasonal sporadic toy drop offs into a two day drive through event with two major objectives: communications and safety. The communication objective was to ensure the community of workers, donors, volunteers and neighbors were kept in the loop. The safety objective was to put in place a system for vehicle and pedestrian traffic flow and ensure safety of volunteers at outdoor work stations.


●  Hold a first-ever drive-through toy drive.
●  Provide a safe traffic flow through industrial park with other businesses (DHL trucks in and out).
●  Ensuring that there were no traffic back-ups with numbers of cars.
●  Needed buy-in (approval) from the industrial park neighboring businesses.
●  Ensure that appropriate toys were being dropped off.
●  Securing enough volunteers for each day and making the sign up easy.


●  Create a map of the drive-through.
●  Set up designated stations (check-in, directing traffic, hiring police, etc.).
●  Face to face communication with the neighbors to get their “buy in.”
●  Schedule drop-offs at specific times to avoid traffic back-ups.
●  Communicate with the donors via online form (Smartsheet).
●  Creating an online sign-up form for volunteers.


●  There were 12,870 toys collected in two days.
●  Developed a baseline framework for future toy drives to be able to scale to larger numbers.
